Transportation services

Reliably. Safely. Promptly.

Trucking is

Car park

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Why 2 350 000 clients choose Kyrgyz Concept?

Best price guarantee

"Non-discrimination" payment method guarantee

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Advertising reliability guarantee

Smile guarantee

Human factor protection guarantee

Availability guarantee

Prompt service guarantee

Information confidentiality guarantee

Provision of consumer information on service guarantee

Trucking throughout Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz Concept Company offers automobile transport services and delivery services in Bishkek, Osh, Karakol and in all regions of Kyrgyzstan. Regular transportation of goods with convenient navigation from Bishkek to Issyk-Kul, Talas, Cholpon Ata, Balykchy and back. Different size trucks. Transportation of furniture, building materials, household appliances and other goods. Order a car for an hour in the city. Help with moving. International tracking. Best prices. Professional drivers. Profitable terms. Reliably. Operatively.

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