Transportation services

Reliably. Safely. Promptly.

Transfer is

Car park

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Why 2 350 000 clients choose Kyrgyz Concept?

Best price guarantee

"Non-discrimination" payment method guarantee

Free booking guarantee

Advertising reliability guarantee

Smile guarantee

Human factor protection guarantee

Availability guarantee

Prompt service guarantee

Information confidentiality guarantee

Provision of consumer information on service guarantee

World Transfers

In traveling or business trip you need to care about your way from airport, except ticket and hotel booking. Kyrgyz Concept Company in Kyrgyzstan carry out the transfer around the world. The transfers from/to airports of Bishkek, Almaty, train stations, hotels and any place of city or country. Driver meet in the airport “Manas” in Bishkek with the nameplate in Meeting Point, in Almaty – the border with Kazakhstan near the Kyrgyz Concept logo.  Transfer searching, ordering and booking online. Comfortable transport and professional drivers will help you with your baggage delivering and with anything you need. We care about your comfort!

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