7 skills

In our philosophy, we strive to create not only a better quality of goods and services but also to create the services of people to each other and the services of the state to society. We are building a more prosperous society.

Consider the following situations to understand are you that person or not:

1. You are going outside and the weather is… Good or bad? Inside or outside of You? Take a minute to think and imagine the situation in details…

2. Imagine the last difficult situation you had. What were your words and thoughts – right or left list?

  • Success

  • Let’s take options

  • Let’s find another way

  • I control my emotions

  • I will to prove my usefulness

  • I will do otherwise

  • I will try

  • I prefer…

  • I will definitely do it

  • Choice

  • I was wrong

  • Failure

  • There is nothing to do

  • That’s me

  • My patience wearing thin….

  • I will not get this job

  • I have to do it

  • I can not

  • I must

  • If would…

  • Destiny

  • It is their fault

If the answer for the first situation is “the weather is good and it is inside me independently from the weather outside (“…there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”…), and for the second situation you choosed more answers from the left list – we are waiting for you!  

You are able to compel your impulse to achieve the goal. Your decisions do not depend on your mood or feelings. Of course the surroundings effect on you, but your reactions do not depend on your principles and values, your mood and emotions.   It means you can see the situation and find decisions and you are not a part of a problem.

Looking in the same direction does not mean that people will see the same thing. The difference between “looking” and “seeing” can be colossal.

«Target hit»

A great archery master named Drona taught his students. He hung a target on a tree and asked students what they see.

One said:
- I see a tree and a target on it.

Another said:
- I see a tree, raising sun, birds in sky…

And the others answered something about the same.
Then Drona went up to his best student Ardjuna and asked: - And what do you see?
He answered:
- I cannot see anything except the target.
And Drona said:
- Only this person can hit the target.
(«Bhagavadgittah» [Vagin I. O. To become first one. Practical couching, Russian language M.: AST; Astrol; Ermak, 2003, p. 123]).

If you definitely know the target, you see it and purposefully move to it, we would like to work together with you.

As for us leader is a person that leads by his own example. He does himself what he requires from others. It is not a simple person that shows direction and knows how to go, but he goes to that direction himself.  

Some stories for example:

«Samurai coin».
Once a detachment of samurai fell into a trap in the gorge. The choice came down to the fact that either surrender to the mercy of the enemy, or fight and die. Warriors were crushed and lost their morale. Then Gen. samurai came out and said: “We will do the next- I cast lots. If the coin falls out of head, we will fight. If it's tail, we will give up.
He threw the coin high into the air. All, with bated breath, waited what will be their lot. When the coin fell, the samurai servant picked it up and showed everyone the eagle. And the samurai led his men into battle, and they won. Later, the servant, returning the samurai coin, noticed that there was an eagle on both sides of the coin. [Vagin I. O. To become first one. Practical couching, Russian language M.: AST; Astrol; Ermak, 2003, p. 159]).

«Amazing concert»
On November 18, 1995, violinist Itzhak Perlman performed in New York, at the Lincoln Center. As a child, he suffered polio and now walks on crutches. The audience waited patiently while the maestro slowly moved across the stage to his chair. Here he sits down, lays crutches on the floor, releases his feet from brackets, settles himself on a chair in his characteristic pose - one leg is bent, the other is pushed far forward - then bends down to pick up the violin, clamp her chin and finally nods to the accentor, showing that he is ready to play.

A ritual well known to Perlman’s admirers: a lame genius demonstrates a frivolous attitude to his own injury before his great music begins. However, at that time it was different.

“The first bars were hardly heard,” writes the music critic from the Houston Chronicle, “and one string was broken. There was a distinct click, as if someone had shot in the hall. No one doubted what that sound meant. And no one doubted what should follow next. ” It was obvious that Perlman would now lay down the violin, put on the brackets, take his crutches, hardly rise from the chair and slowly go backstage to pick up another violin or replace a broken string.

He did not do that. He only closed his eyes for a second, and then signaled to the accentor to start over. Listeners held their breath.

Everyone knows that it is impossible to perform a symphonic work on three strings. I know this, and you know, but Yitzhak Perlman did not want to know. He played so passionately, powerfully and masterly ... It was evident how he corrects, changes, or even writes the play anew in the mind ... At some point it seemed that he was mistuning the strings in order to extract sounds from them before they ever published.

When he had finished, there was a reverent silence in the hall for a few moments, and then they all stood up as one. We jumped up from our seats, we applauded and shouted "bravo", wanting to show him how much we appreciate what he has done now. (Riemer, J. (1995) Itzhak Perlman improvises. Houston Chronicle, November).

We are looking for leaders who can lead, despite the circumstances and difficulties encountered on his way.

We are looking for people who know what they want and know how to make decisions. They have their own opinion and are able to defend him flexibly and convincingly.

And in the following situations, they would behave:

«Miller, boy and donkey».
Miller was riding
A donkey.
Boy was going
With miller on foot.
- Look, - said the crowd,
Old man is riding,
And boy is going!
Where you saw that?
Where you heard that?
Old man is riding,
And boy is going!
Old man fastly
Gets off the saddle,
Puts his grandson
Riding a donkey.
- Look! - said
Shout a man.
- Young is riding,
And old is going!
Where you saw that?
Where you heard that?
Young is riding,
And old is going!
Miller and boy
Sat down together
Both riding donkey
- Faugh! - laughing
Another man.
- Grandpa and grandson
Riding a cattle!
Where you saw that?
Where you heard that?
Grandpa and grandson
Riding a cattle!
Grandpa and grandson
Are going on foot,
Donkey is riding
The old grandpa.
- Bother! – laughing crowd
On a street.
Young donkey
Riding an old!
Where you saw that?
Where you heard that?
Young donkey
Riding an old!
How are you doing,
My best friend?
Don’t listen everything,
People will say,
That nobody
Will joke with you.

(Marshak S. Ya. For children.  8 t. T. 2. M.: Imaginative literature, 1968.)

We are looking for partners who have the will and courage to resist the opinion of the majority and do not give up. Easier to concede and go with the flow with all. But success is achieved by one who has an opinion, can convince and defend his position.

Imagination more important than knowledge

A. Einstein.

We live in a natural environment, but also in a world that we invented ourselves, and which then became a reality. Concepts, grammar, ideas, computer, Internet, music, movies and new biotechnologies - once it was a dream. But human energy turned dreams into reality. The world we invent and create is changing all the time - every day, every second, and some kind of fantasy becomes reality.

We are looking for people who can see even the smallest changes that can turn into whole new lines of business. We need people who make dreams come true.

«Paper cup worth a million»

David F. Curtin earned over $ 1,000,000 by inventing a paper cup. He did this in 1910, with only scissors and a few sheets of paper in his hands.

Being depressed, he sat in a hotel room, holding a glass of water in his hands. Then he remembered how many badly washed glasses and various other vessels he drank during his travels. “No wonder,” he continued to ponder, “That people then fall ill. And why not use disposable glasses? Probably there is nothing cheaper than glass. ”

And then it dawned on him - paper! Disposable paper cups! He spent the whole day cutting out various forms of paper and twisting them into cups. Some of them were leaking, some were too complicated. Finally, he managed to make a glass that held water ... On it Curtin got rich. ”

(Become enterprising and rich: American receipts. M.: Young guard, 1991., p. 142-143).

Ingenious solutions often lie on the surface. An interested look at the problem from a new position is enough to find an unbroken, non-standard approach to its resolution.

In other words, we are looking for partners who can predict innovation before it takes a clear shape, before it is noticed and used by others.

You have high intelligence - quickly adapt to the new environment. You have internal navigation that is effective in a fast-paced environment.

Albert Einstein remarked: "The complex problems that we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that we were at the moment of their birth."

We are not just looking for clever people. We are looking for those who has flexible thinking and do not get stuck in one vision of the situation, but may consider the situation from different points of view and independently propose several solutions.

Story «Six loyal servants»
I have six servants,
Prompt and agile,
And everything I see around, -
I know from them.
By my sign
They always come.
Their names are: How and Why,
Who, What, When and Where.
And through seas and forests
I send my servants
And then I work myself
They have a rest.
When I get up at morning
I always do my work,
And they are free –
Let eat and drink.
But I have one nice friend,
A young lady.
She has hundred thousand servants
And nobody have rest.
She sends them as the dogs,
In bad weather, rain and darkness
Where five thousands, How seven thousands,
Why hundred thousand!

We need partners who are able to correctly and timely ask the right questions, which guarantees obtaining the objective information necessary to make the best decision.

«How to catch monkey»
A monkey loved cherries. One day, while sitting in a tree, she saw cherries on the ground, of a completely delightful appearance, and went downstairs to take them. However, the cherries were in a transparent glass jar. After several unsuccessful attempts to get them, the monkey finally thought of putting her hand into the neck of the vessel. Holding one cherry in her fist, she wanted to pull out her hand, but she could not: her fist was wider than the opening of the vessel. Of course, all this was deliberately set up, and the cherries in the vessel were a trap set by a monkey catcher who knew how monkeys thought. Hearing the monkey squeal, the hunter came out of his hiding place. The frightened monkey tried to escape, but her hand, as he had supposed, was stuck in the vessel, and the monkey lost its ability to move. The hunter knew in advance that she would continue to frantically squeeze the cherry in her hand. Thus, he easily grabbed her, and then abruptly hit her elbow, causing her fist to open, and she finally released the cherry. So, the monkey freed her hand, but was caught. The hunter used cherries and a vessel, but did not lose either one or the other.

We are looking for partners who are able to clearly identify the main and secondary, and for saving the main to abandon the secondary.

We understand responsibility as the ability to perform real Deeds (with a capital letter) and be responsible for the choice made.

«Buridan’s donkey»
A donkey placed at an equal distance from two identical hay bundles must die of starvation, because it cannot choose one or another bundle.

(Soviet Encyclopedic Vocabulary, M.: Sov. encyclopedic, 1986, p. 179).

We are looking for partners who can make choices. Since in a process of making decision long-term fluctuations in choice of equivalent (or seemingly such) alternatives can generally ruin the matter and lead the organization to collapse.

«Two frogs»
Once two frogs were in a jug with sour cream. One of them resigned himself to the situation, made no attempt to get out and died. The second floundered in sour cream, until, finally, under her paws, sour cream began to stray into butter. When, as a result of her efforts, a piece of butter turned out, the frog pushed away from him and jumped out of the jug.

We are looking for people who can fight to the last in any even the most difficult situation. Humbled loses always. Persistently trying to solve a problem gets a chance.


On a warship, the gunner casually screwed the nut in the cannon-chain and didn’t fix properly the wheels of the gun. In the open sea the gun broke the chain and began to rush from side to side. On the lower deck it killed several people, smashed twenty guns, damaged the hull of the ship, threatening to destroy the ship its crew and passengers. The gunner, who became the culprit of the misfortune risking his life showed courage and managed to stop the "raging" weapon.

How was this person's act marked? The gunner was led to the old general.

The old man cast a quick glance at the gunner.

“Come here,” he ordered.

Gunner took a step forward. The old man turned to Comte du Bouabertlo, removed the cross of Saint Louis from his chest and attached it to the gunner's jacket.

“Ur-ra!” The sailors shouted. Soldiers of the Marine Corps took to guard.

But the old general, pointing his finger at the gunner , radiant with happiness, added:

"And now shoot him."

(Hugo V. Ninety third year. M.: AST, 2004., p. 35-47).

Courage is worthy of reward, and carelessness is worthy of punishment.

We are looking for people who can be responsible in accordance with their obligations, and accept responsibility regardless of the opinion of others.

«Four and interpreter»

Four people got a coin. The first was a Persian. He said, "I will buy an anhur for this."
The second was an Arab. He said, "No, I want inab."

The third was a Turk. He said: "I do not want inab, I want raisins."

The fourth was Greek. He said: "I want a stafil."

Without realizing of everyone wish, they fought.

They had information, but there was no knowledge.

Any knowledgeable person, if he was near, could reconcile them all, saying: “I can satisfy each of you with the same coin. If you honestly trust me, one of your coins will become like four, and four quarreling will become like one. ”

Such a person would know that everyone in his own language wanted the same thing - grapes.

(Idris Shah. Sufi way)

In business sphere and in practice of everyday life people very often cannot achieve the desired result, come to an understanding, because they think about one thing, striving for the same, but do not understand each other.

We are looking for people:
- who can speak the language of their interlocutors,
- who know how to find common ground with other people
- and connect them to achieve a common goal.

«One is good, Two- better»

Somehow a fire happened in a large forest. And then there were two in the forest - blind and lame. Lame could not walk, but was sighted, and the blind could run, but could not see anything. And they agreed: a blind man will set the lame on his shoulders, and he will tell where to go. One saw, the other could walk - so together they became one full-fledged man, got out of the forest and were saved from the fire.

(Osho R Mustard seed. Commentaries to 5th Gospel from St. Thomas, Kiev; M.: Sophia, 2003, p. 45)

As a rule, a person cannot at the same high level have all the qualities necessary to perform a complex activity. Some abilities can be developed well enough for him, others may be absent altogether. Different stylistic characteristics of thinking, personal characteristics, educational level, and experience of a certain professional activity allow a person to successfully perform certain tasks or types of work, but they do not guarantee the same effectiveness in other areas of activity.

Therefore, the ability to work in a team, in which the abilities and talents of different people successfully complement each other, expanding their aggregate capabilities in solving the most complex tasks.

By combining our efforts we can achieve much more significant success than alone ourselves.

We are looking for people who love and are able to work in a team.

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