31 Jan 2019

The most romantic places on the planet

Tourism trends
The most romantic places on the planet

On the eve of Valentine's Day, we would like to tell you about the romantic places of our beautiful planet.

         This is certainly not all places, but in love  the whole world is not enough :)

Verona (Italy)

Old Verona is the place where Romeo and Juliet lived.

Lovers will be pleased to walk, holding hands, on the stone pavement of the city; give each other a warm kiss under the balcony of the Capulet house, which promises a long happy life for a couple, and; drink a glass of red wine and taste famous meat or fish dishes in one of the local restaurants.

Monterey Bay (California, USA)

Is it possible to find a more romantic adventure than whale watching on the majestic Pacific Ocean? In the waters of Monterey Bay, these majestic animals are found almost all year round. The largest mammals on Earth are filled with tenderness, and young mothers care for their calves, as all mothers do. Looking at sea animals, people themselves begin to understand and feel the wonders of life.

Iguazu Falls (Brazil)

Natural elements and love, what could be stronger?

The cascade of Iguazu Falls is officially recognized as one of the 7 natural wonders of the world.

Local Indians believe that a long time ago, the serpent snake-god desired the beautiful girl Naipi, but she preferred a warrior named Taroba. The lovers fled and tried to cross the river, but an angry monster with a tail blow flailed up from the bottom, forever dividing lovers. He turned the young man into a tall palm tree, and the girl into a rock on the opposite bank. Now they touch each other only with a rainbow.

Aphrodite Bay (Cyprus)

The very name of this heavenly place attracts many tourists in love!

According to legend, it was from these waters that Aphrodite, the be goddess of love and beauty, came to land. Here, she took baths before meeting with fans. Although it is forbidden to swim in the bay, not far from the legendary place there is a beautiful beach where you can enjoy the warm waters. They say that lovers who swim at midnight in the Gulf of Aphrodite will always be together.


When thinking about the most romantic places on the planet, it is impossible not to remember Paris. After all, everyone knows that Paris is the capital of love!

Romantic places here will be enough, not only for February 14, but also for a week before and a week after :)

The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, the island of Saint-Louis, countless romantic cafes and narrow streets make a magical experience for lovers. Paris breathes romance and tenderness.

Remember the classic phrase: "To see Paris and die," I do not agree with this, because after seeing Paris, you want to LIVE!

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