Where better to study business in Europe?
March 14th : Consultation Day: Where is better to Learn business in Europe? Venue: Kyrgyz Concept Education Abroad, Tynystanov St., 231. Beginning at 13.00. Consultation is free by prior registration by the form: https://goo.gl/zCvPgb or by number 0779 188 333 (Aida).
People of this world
March 14: The play "People of this world." Cost: 300-500 som. Venue: Russian Drama Theater named after Ch. Aytmatov, Tynystanov St., 122. Telephone: +996312662032.
March 15: The opening of the exhibition "2030". Free admission. Beginning at 16.00. Venue: Gallery "Oak Park", Pushkin st., 78A. Telephone: +996312662343, +996707189497.
"Creative idea! The birth of a supernova!"
March 16: Training "Creative idea! The birth of a supernova!". Beginning at 9.30. Venue: st. Tynystanov st., 99. Cost is specified. Telephone: +996777990507.
Festival of oratory
February 16: Oratory Festival. Cost: 500 som (students 50% discount). Beginning at 15.00. Venue: KNU named after J. Balasagyn, Frunze st., 547. Telephone: +996700233623.
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