Jay Levin's training
March 7-9: Jay Levin's training - Phenomenology: exploring the obvious. Cost: from 100 USD. Venue: Bishkek Gestalt Institute, Chokmorov str., 5a. Phone: +996 555 434 462.
Young opera voices
March 7: “Young Opera Voices” concert. Venue: Kyrgyz National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Maldybaev. Beginning: at 18:30. Cost: 300-500 som. (Tickets can be purchased at ticket.kg). Phone: +996 555 998 191, +996 555 373 000.
Gastronomic dinner
March 8: Gastronomic dinner with author's dishes. Venue: Bellagio Banquet Hall, Leo Tolstoy str., 36k. Beginning: at 19.00. Cost: 1500 som. Phone: +996 703 698 888
TENGRY Music Spring Party
March 9: the first “TENGRY Music Spring Party”. Beginning: at 18.00. Cost: from 1500 som, children up to 14 years old have 50% discount. Venue: Asanbay Center, Tokombaeva str., 21a / 4. (Tickets can be purchased at ticket.kg). Phone: + 996 559 773 083, +996 770 787 674.
How to stop "slipping" and start living
March 9: “How to stop “slipping” and start living” master class. Venue: Sierra Coffee Shop, Manas Ave 57/1. Beginning: at 15.30. Cost: 250 som.
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