We will offer the best prices for the requested service among available services within Kyrgyzstan. If you find idential service at cheaper price, we will offer it at the price found by you.
We will accept payment by credit card without taking bank's commission.
We will book free of charge everything that is possible to book.
All of our promotional offers are reliable. If the offer is not available, we will provide a discount.
We always welcome you with a smile and hospitality, because we are really glad to see our clients.
We will reimburse your losses in case of our mistake while processing of executing your order.
We are available for you 24 hours a day, online and by phone.
We will serve you as quickly as possible and will always treat you with a hot drink and biscuits.
We will keep the privacy of your personal data, obtained during our services.
We will provide you with all required information about the service.
If guarantees were violated
How does it work? If you noticed the violation of guarantees by the employee? please let us know Эгерде сиз компаниянын адистери менен кепилдиктин бузулганына кубө болсонуз, төмөнку телефон номуруна кайрылсаныз болот: Тел.: +996 559 900 883 e-mail: tqm@concept.kg;
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